Bastian Elementary - We believe in making a difference every day.
We believe in making a difference every day by teaching students academic content and social/emotional skills that will develop self confidence, self worth and a love of learning to foster independence.
Bastian Big 3: Respectful Listeners, Responsible Learners, and Safe Students
- The Bastian Big 3 is a school wide management system in which we have created three school-wide expectations, which are listed below. Each grade level may also add up to three grade specific expectations. All expectations are listed in each classroom.
- Bastian Broncos are explicitly taught what being respectful listeners, responsible learners and safe students look and sound like in each area of our building during the first week of school. These expectations are listed on the Bastian Big 3 Matrix. As well as being taught the first week of the year, they are reviewed frequently in classrooms and as needed schoolwide.
- Respectful Listeners - Follow classroom rules and expectations. (Use Appropriate Voice Levels)
- Responsible Learners - Follow adult directions the first time given.
- Safe Students - Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself
Students are Rewarded for Following the Bastian Big 3 In the Following Ways:
- Bronco Bucks - will be given to students by all members of the Bastian Faculty for being positive examples of the Big 3. Bronco Bucks can be turned in to the office for a prize and ticket on the Bronco Board. When the Bronco Board is full, a row of students will be drawn to participate in an activity with Administration.
- Verbal praise will be given by all staff and teachers.
- Individual classroom awards and student recognition are given on a class by class basis.
- Principal’s Pride will be awarded to a student in each class (monthly) for consistently demonstrating the given Big 3 trait.
Consequences For Not Following the Bastian Big 3 Include:
- Individual warnings and instruction in replacement behavior
- Opportunities to reflect and think about changing behavior
- Natural consequences such as helping clean, missing a few minutes or all of recess, attending a different recess or lunch period and losing privileges
- Restorative practices
- Conference with teacher, parents, administration
- In School Suspension or Out of School Suspension
At Bastian, we are particularly concerned about ensuring the safety of each student. Students that have had repeated problems with verbal intimidation, cyber intimidation or physical aggression may be referred to a Due Process/Safe School Hearing or to the Jordan Family Education Center for recommended classes. Severe acts of aggression may result in immediate suspension and/or a District Level Hearing.
Discipline Procedures
A problem solving approach will be used with all discipline at Bastian Elementary. Students, parents and teachers will be included as part of the team to problem solve, teach replacement behaviors and support changes.
- Students and staff at Bastian have the right and privilege to work in a bully-free environment.
- Bullying is defined as “aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength”, through (1) physical bullying: hitting and/or punching; (2) verbal bullying: teasing or name calling; (3) non-verbal or emotional bullying: intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and relational aggression; and (4) cyberbullying: sending insulting, threatening, or harassing messages by phone, computer, or electronic messaging.
- A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. See Jordan School District Policy AS98- Bullying and Cyberbullying.
To Prevent Bullying at Bastian Elementary:
- Teachers, staff, and students will participate in the In Focus wellness curriculum. We have implemented "Stop, Walk, Talk" as a schoolwide strategy to provide students will a way to address/stop unkind behavior and bullying.
- Families will be made aware of the In Focus program and parents guides are available. Information will be posted on the website as well as included in a monthly newsletter.
- Students are instructed to report bullying/mistreatment to teachers, instructional assistants, playground aides, and/or school administration as soon as it happens so that it can be resolved.
- If a student reports bullying, school staff will discuss the issue with the students involved and will contact school administration as needed. School administration will contact all parents involved and will determine a plan to prevent bullying. In-school or out-of-school suspension, or referral to a district hearing will be considered, so as to create a safe, productive environment for all students.
Cell Phones and All Other Electronic Devices
- Possession of a cellular device (phone, watch) by a student is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student that uses his/her cell phone/watch inappropriately. A student who possesses a cellular device shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time shall the school or District be responsible for preventing theft, loss or damage to cell phones brought onto school property. Cellular device use during classroom time, instructional activities, and field trips is prohibited. Cellular phones must remain off and in backpacks during the school day. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by school administration on a case by case basis to accommodate family emergencies or medical necessity. Students violating these guidelines will be disciplined in accordance with District Policy AS67 - Discipline of Students (
- Students needing to contact a parent/guardian may do so by using the phones in the school office or classroom per the teacher's permission. Parents needing to communicate immediate/necessary information to their child may do so by calling our front office.
- Any use of an electronic device that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, invades personal privacy or compromises the integrity for educational programs is strictly prohibited. Students in violation will be disciplined in accordance with District Policy AS67 - Discipline of Students ( Photographs and/or videos are not to be taken of any person using such device.
Classroom Snacks and Birthdays
- If you would like to send an individually prepackaged treat on your student’s birthday, please make sure that the treat you send is nut free.
- Cakes, balloons, party favor bags, gifts, floral deliveries, etc. are not to be brought to school as they serve as distractions and become disruptions to classroom instruction.
Dress Code – Jordan School District Policy AA419 Dress Code Guidelines
- Please see the attached guidelines for the Dress Code.
Cold Weather
- Please make sure your children dress appropriately for cold weather. Students have two recesses each day and perform much better in school as a result of these activity breaks. We follow the following guidelines when sending the students outside:
- Below 21 degrees-students will be kept inside
- 22 degrees and higher-students will go outside
- Inclement weather - Grade level doors will be propped open at 8:45am. Breakfast will still be available as usual from 8:35am-8:50am.
- We also follow the state guidelines for air quality and monitor it daily to plan for recesses.
Student Attendance Policy
Regular attendance and punctuality are important for academic achievement and social/emotional connection. It is the responsibility of students, families, classroom teachers, and school administration to ensure that a student is in attendance.
*For the health and safety of students and staff, if your child is sick, please keep them home.
Attendance Procedures
- Compulsory Education Letter (attendance letter #1) is sent home in the first day packet.
- Under Jordan District Policy, AA432, legitimate absences are defined as: verified illness, medical appointments, bereavement, court appearances, emergencies, pre-approved educational leave, and special family or religious events.
- After five unexcused absences the teacher makes personal contact and expresses concern about the student’s attendance. Improved attendance is encouraged.
- After 10 unexcused absences, the principal sends attendance letter #2.
- After 15 unexcused absences, attendance letter #3 is sent and an attendance meeting is scheduled with the administration, teacher, parent/guardian and student.
- After 20 unexcused absences, attendance letter #4 is sent by certified mail requesting attendance mediation or referral to court.
- An appropriate amount of time will be given for making up work.
- A parent or authorized designee must come to the office to check out a student (with ID)
- Attendance letters will be printed on a monthly basis.
Arrival Procedures
Morning Arrival:
- Breakfast served 8:35-8:50am - Students come through Office
- 8:45-8:55am - Students wait by grade level doors
- 8:55am First Bell - A grade level teacher will greet students outside in their assigned lines and class by class students will enter the building.
- Grade level doors remain open until 9:00am
- After 9:00am - Students need to check in at the office before going to class.Tardies: Excessive tardies will be addressed by the classroom teacher and Administration on a case by case basis. Classroom instruction begins at 9:00am. Students need to be here on time.
Checking Out Early
- Students may not leave the school grounds during regular school hours for any reason unless he or she has been checked out through the office.
- To check out your child, please come to the office with your ID.
***Students will not be able to check out the last ten minutes of the day, or after 3:25pm. This is an extreme interruption to day end activities and preparation for the upcoming day.
Vacation - Educational Leave Guidelines
- A student may be granted up to ten days of excused absences for Travel/Vacation each school year provided that an Educational Leave Form is submitted to the office at least five school days prior to the absences.
- Once the Educational Leave Form has been submitted to the office, the student’s Parent/Guardian must make homework arrangements with the teacher. Teachers will provide copies of any work that needs to be completed as a result of the absences. Work may not be provided before the vacation, but given to the student after they return.
- The student will receive a comparable number of days to complete homework. For example, if a student is absent five days, homework will be due five school days after the end of the vacation.
Fidget Spinners, Trading Cards, and Toys
- Fidget spinners, trading cards and other toy items from home must remain in backpacks during classroom time, instructional activities, and field trips. Exceptions to this rule will be handled on an individual basis by administration and will require a note from a doctor, specifying a medical reason for a student to use such items during those times.
- A student who chooses to bring these items to school is responsible for their care. Bastian Elementary does not assume responsibility for the theft, damage or loss of any toy brought onto school property.
Homework and Projects
- There will be NO homework assigned at Bastian Elementary. We do encourage nightly reading so your student may have a method of documenting reading minutes.
- Each grade level can assign one project each year. These projects may require some help from home. Please notify your teacher if you need assistance or materials to support your child in completing their project.
- Teachers and parents may work together to create systems of support in the event classroom work isn't completed. Work sent home in these situations is different from assigned homework. If you have questions about homework, please contact Administration.
**Please sign the Bastian Elementary School Code of Conduct on the next page and return to school.
We have reviewed the Bastian Elementary School Code of Conduct including the “discipline procedures” that outline consequences for not following the Code of Conduct.
We have also reviewed the Jordan School District Dress Policy and Dangerous and Disruptive Conduct Policy found in the Code of Conduct and Elementary Registration Booklet.
We will support these policies.
Student ___________________________________ Teacher: _________________ Date __________
Student ___________________________________ Teacher: _________________ Date __________
Student ___________________________________ Teacher: _________________ Date __________
Student ___________________________________ Teacher: _________________ Date __________
Student ___________________________________ Teacher: _________________ Date __________
Parent Signature: __________________________________ Date __________
Parent Signature: __________________________________ Date __________
Please have all of your students who attend Bastian Elementary sign the Code of Conduct. Parents, please sign and return this page to a teacher or the office. Thank you for your assistance in ensuring our students’ safety.